The Right Wing Do Not Care About Real People

I watched the Bill Maher Show when it aired on Friday. What is the deal with Stephen Moore? I have seen him before and was not impressed but now I think he is just a right wing manipulator or just stupid. That brings me to another question. How do these people get to be heard? Why do they get a soapbox? Everything Stephen Moore said was incredibly ignorant or false or serving the rich without regard to the rest of society or just stupid.

That brings me to another thought. How do we inform the 90% (or more) of society that the people like Stephen Moore and the other elite rich right wing 5% do not care about them? I understand that the right wing middle class want fiscal responsibility and care about security enough to let the right wing hierarchy scare them and lie to them. The question is how to inform them that these people do not care about them. The right wing hierarchy does not care about the Tea Baggers as far as the Tea Bagger’s general welfare is concerned.

There are others besides the Tea Baggers who seem to side with the right wing to the detriment of their own self interest. How to inform these others or teach them or get them to understand that they are rooting against themselves is the question. Why can’t these people understand that they are hurting themselves? Why can’t these people be informed that people like Stephen Moore and the multitudes of right wing hierarchy are not their friends? Why are they not being informed that what they are voting for is against their own self interest?

I think this is what the left should try to figure out and fix as soon as possible. Go out and inform the Tea Baggers that they are fighting against their own self interest. Figure out a way to inform Joe Sixpack and Nancy Winebox that Newt Gingrich and Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee and Bill O’Reilly (I think they are getting the message that Glenn Beck is unbalanced) and Rush Limbaugh and all the rest of the right wing mouth-o-sphere and John Boehner and Mitch McConnell and the political right are not in their corner. Inform these middle Americans that people like Stephen Moore are lying to them like Rachel Maddow did on the Bill Maher Show.

There has to be a way to teach or inform the right wing middle class that they are rooting against their own self interest. Watching Stephen Moore on The Bill Maher Show showed me that the right wing will do and say anything. They will lie about anything. And they get away with it. Rachel Maddow showed me how easy it is to inform people that the right wing are liars.

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